Why It's Crucial and How We Can Help

skip tracing


Skip tracing stands as a powerful investigative approach deployed to locate individuals who appear to have disappeared or intentionally avoided detection. Whether for legal matters, debt recovery, or locating missing persons, skip tracing proves indispensable in tracking down elusive individuals. Utilizing a blend of online research, examination of public records, and specialized tools, skip tracers can uncover vital information guiding them to the whereabouts of the targeted individual.


A Crucial Tool for Civil Process

Finding individuals for legal document services can be a hurdle in civil court proceedings. This is where skip tracing steps in as a vital solution.

Upholding Due Process

 Skip tracing ensures individuals receive legal documents, even if they attempt to avoid service. This guarantees their right to be informed and participate in legal proceedings, preventing unfair judgments.

Expediting Court Proceedings

 By efficiently locating individuals, skip tracing increases the success rate of serving legal documents. This translates to faster case resolution, reducing backlogs and delays in the court system.

Saving Time and Resources

Skip tracing minimizes the time & effort required by process servers, lawyers, & the court system to locate individuals. This frees up valuable resources, allowing them to focus on other crucial aspects of the legal process.

Skip Tracing

Serving Justice by Finding the Missing

Serving legal documents – the backbone of any lawsuit – can hit a snag when individuals try to avoid being served. Here's where skip tracing shines.

Skip tracing acts as a legal bloodhound. It employs advanced techniques beyond a simple search to track down individuals:

  • Finding those who went missing

    Whether they deliberately avoid service or simply relocated, skip tracing locates them.

  • Verifying information

     Skip tracing ensures the documents reach the intended recipient by confirming the accuracy of addresses and contact details.

Serving Justice

The Benefits of Utilizing Skip Tracing Services

Time and Effort Savings

 Skip tracers handle the search, freeing you from the hassle and legwork.

Increased Success Rates

Their expertise and access to extensive resources significantly improve the chances of finding the target individual.

Diverse Search Methods

Skip tracers utilize various advanced techniques and tools beyond the reach of the average person.


Skip tracing services can be employed for various purposes, including legal matters and reconnecting with lost contacts.

skiptracing strategies

Essential Strategies for Successful Skip Tracing

Skip tracing may be intricate and challenging, but employing the right approach can enhance success rates. Here are some tips to enhance skip tracing efforts:

  • Commence with the basics

    Start by collecting comprehensive information about the individual you're seeking, including their full name, aliases, date of birth, social security number, and last known address.

  • Leverage online resources

    Utilize search engines, social media platforms, and online directories to gather information about the individual's whereabouts. Be thorough and explore various avenues.

  • Access public records

    Public records offer valuable insights into an individual's past and present. Check court records, property records, and other publicly available sources for clues about their current location.

  • Collaborate and network

    Keep meticulous records of your search efforts, including checked sources, gathered information, and pursued leads, to avoid duplicating efforts.

How to Select the Best Skip Tracing Service

When choosing a skip tracing service, several factors should be considered to ensure the selection of the most suitable one for your needs. Firstly, reputation is paramount. Seek a service provider with a proven track record of success and positive reviews from past clients, instilling confidence in their ability to deliver accurate and reliable results.

Additionally, evaluate the scope of their services. A comprehensive skip tracing service should have access to a wide array of databases and resources, enabling the gathering of information from various sources to locate individuals effectively.

Lastly, pricing should also be considered. While finding a service provider within your budget is important, ensure that quality and reliability are not compromised. Strike a balance between affordability and the level of service provided to obtain the best value for your investment.

Common Challenges in Skip Tracing Strategies to Overcome Them

Skip tracing can be tricky because sometimes people change their contact details, like their address or phone number. This makes it hard to find them. To overcome this, skip tracers use different methods, like checking alternative contact info or looking at multiple sources to piece together the puzzle.

Another challenge is making sure skip tracing follows all the rules and respects people's privacy. It's important to stay within the law and only use information for the right reasons. This means being careful about how information is gathered and making sure it's used responsibly.


Skip tracing plays a vital role in locating individuals for civil process services and legal document serving. At RAM Civil Process Services, our expert skip tracers are committed to ensuring prompt and accurate delivery of legal documents. As technology advances, our services evolve to become even more efficient, ensuring that we meet the needs of our clients effectively. Trust RAM Civil Process Services for reliable skip tracing solutions tailored to your requirements.

Additionally, don't forget to check out our blog on "Why Professional Civil Process Serving Matters" for valuable insights into the importance of professional legal document handling. 

Need assistance?

Contact us today for seamless skip tracing solutions.